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I loved it. I am going to do another video on the update! But I feel It could become the next Big Game when fully finished! 

You are amazing!

hi, when you load up the game and it asks to press any key to continue nothing happens

Join in discord and lets find out why, we can talk in realtime there.

This was a pretty fun zombie survival game to play. Definitely gave me a lot of Left 4 Dead vibes especially near the end of the demo where they are sprinting. Made a video on it.

!!!Love The Game!!! 

I Had Alot of Fun Playing This 

Can't Wait For The Full Release  

The Music Was Great

Keep Up The Good Work

Thank you!

Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. Thank you for reaching out to me as I really appreciate it when game creators reach out to me to play their games.

The graphics and game mechanics of the game are quite good as it reminds me of a mix of call of duty, resident evil 7 and left 4 dead games. I liked the use of limited inventory space and the various guns made available in the game. It would be better if there was a crosshair though but if you are trying to make it more realistic then no crosshair is cool.

I hope that more variety of regular zombies and zombie bosses could be added to the game like Back 4 Blood so that the whole experience is more immersive and enable multiplayer gameplay in the long run. To be honest, this game is quite similar to Back 4 Blood so maybe you could add other interesting and new concepts into the game to make it different from similar zombie games. The addition of the limited inventory space may come in quite handy in creating more things to do in the game.

I do love fps shooter games and this is quite up my alley. If multiplayer (2-4 players), do come out, please notify me again as I would love to play a game like this with my friends. Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.

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I don't have the funding to support mp at the moment, the VR version is more important for me than mp. So it just gets too much work to work on everything as i do this alone.

There was a crosshair but it just made the game too easy and then there was no point in ads, so no crosshair is much more cooler in my opinion, at the end there is a skill that can be archived by playing games with no crosshair. (escape from tarkov for example) 

Current main goal is to build up a real story, so as we speak i am working on the first story mission. Thank you for playing!

I got a problem like since i can play the Wave mode and i want to play the demo but when i finish the tutorial and try to do the mission it just stops 

Join the discord and lets find out why :(

I really enjoyed this game. The music is awesome but no story that is kinda sad. Overall this is a fun game to play.

You made ma laugh and thats whats amazing! First story level is in progress.

Enjoyed the game loved it it was so much fun i didn't expertise any bugs or glitches and enjoyed this fun and amazing demo cant wait till the full release 

I loved that you were happy about the fast zombies! Great gameplay!

Just Checked out the Game, Thanks for the E-mail.. Had some real fun playing this game. I'm not usual into these types of games so this was a little different for me to play, Though i have to say well done. I thoroughly enjoyed playing, I just have two small critiques.

1. Inventory Space could be larger, or add in an upgrade to make it larger.....

2. Ambient Sound (Zombie groans in the distance, ambient space noise), It was just a little bit to quite most of the time..

other than that Well done it was a great Demo and can't wait to see where this goes in the future....

(1 edit)

That was truly a great gameplay! I am glad i could entertain a little! btw inventory space can be made larger, i havent added the item to demo levels, i usually wanna but then i forgot.

(2 edits)

Ok people of the internet where do we start with this game ? let's start with the main thing.... this game is INSANELY FUN and a real blast to play , the heat of the action starts right off the bat and before you have time to react , all hell breaks loose, it definitely leaves you scrambling to find something to defend yourself with !

The aesthetics of the game are nice and everything within the game itself is nicely detailed and there is not an area that feels sparse or void where an asset could bring the room to life.

The mechanics of the game are also fluid and easy (when you press the right keys of course)  and the gameplay feels very natural, even someone new to FPS would find this simple enough to pick up and play.

 During my run i came across two bugs and i'm not sure what caused them, one stopped me switching/firing guns and another one is where i got stuck on a wooden pallet and had to try and force my way out of it.

 As mentioned in my video it would be nice in the future to maybe see a stealth mechanic where if you take out a zombie with the knives you do not aggro the surrounding zombies, on the opposite side if you use guns you draw more to you. 

 It will be very interesting to see the whole story in the game maybe with potential voice acting , why were they quarantined ? what caused them to be this way? is it due to war or some kind of sick human experimentation ? who are you ? how do you play in this? i guess we will know as this game develops.

 Overall for a game made by just one person this is honestly fantastic no amount of praise can justify it and it's definitely worth a play. I am so thankful that the Dev. brought this to my attention , my sincerest thank you for allowing me the honour to do a playthrough and give feedback for you. 

Sir, that was a amazing gameplay to watch!

Made a video

First of all, thank you so much for your email, I had an absolute blast playing Karantiin! The gun play felt good, the zombies went down with a single head shot AS GOD INTENDED (looking at you later wave cod zombies!), and the other enemies were a giant suprise that had me pretty spooked and surprised! Everything ran so smooth and it felt like I was back playing Doom, just without the death metal in the background! I really enjoyed the music, just wish there was more ambiance around, pretty quiet all up until the music poped in and then it was gone and I missed it.

I can't wait to see where this game goes, and very excited to see a full release in the future. Really hoping to get a VR headset soon so I can play the VR expreience! Hope you enjoy the video! 

I loved your gameplay so much! Good data and feedback for me!

Show post...


Thank you for making time to play this!

I had fun with this game.

Thank you for the honest review, i will make the game fun after i complete the main tasks i have set up for myself. Also will add in a tutorial level, so players won't miss out on the mechanics. Overall I enjoyed you gameplay, was amazing to hear the thoughts of a girl gamer!

awesome work mate 

Thank you for playing!

Deleted 2 years ago

Very well made gameplay video!


very fun game! We accidentally started the game before buying any weapons the first time so that was exciting! thanks for making it! 

Thank you for playing, promise that it will only better!

Deleted 317 days ago

Thank you for your amazing feedback, the main focus acctualy is not zombies at all, they just randomly will exist to drain players ammo, real enemies will be different. The loot is just for the demo purposes, when it gets a decent maps from me the loot will be based on story progression. Right now its just a early example. atm im putting most of the energy to wave mode because this will be for balancing the weapons and ai for the story. but thank you for your amazing support. One day it will be very amazing game. btw about the void thing ita mostly engine problem. 

Deleted 317 days ago
Deleted 317 days ago
(2 edits)

Yes, the discord link is in the description. I can take a look at your comments after i finish my real work, usually after work i work on the game. Discord would be perfect, because then we can communicate while i work my real job. Overall i usually speedrun the game myself haha, so thats cool. Also if you would like you could put all the bugs youve found into the forum if you want. I usually watch youtube videos of people play this and then i write them all up.

you should rename your youtube video to karantiin* so i can find it on youtube with search. I watch all the gameplay videos!

About the bunny hop and the sewer movement, sewer movement glitch i usually use myself a lot if i test the level (will fix that when water gets fully done, but note that the demo levels will not be in the full game, they will be deleted)
And bunny hoping i call a feature, because if someone wants to be good in the game, they can use this feature, i use it 95% of the time and think its more fun with it.

This game has some potential ,I found myself grinding the first level even after I ended recording for Youtube,it looks good,is fun to play and makes you want to Grind to beat the level,Well done on this one....cant wait to play more.

Comments below clip;

Am not going to waste many words on this game.

WOW!!! will suffice :o]

Wonderful to play it.

Well done!

Thank you, your gameplay was amazing. Also you are very supportive! Thank you!

@ Karantiin,

I firmly believe in synergy. It means that the energy of two [or more] people combined, unleashes way more power than a single person can muster. I do my music, photography/art and writing, all by myself, but always listen to what others have to say about it [proofreaders, copy editors, wife, friends, etc.].

Given the joy I had playing your game, the least I can do is reach out, and support you to the best of my ability :o]

Thank you! You are very right!

Thank you again for reaching out to me to play this well developed game! I Will be joining the discord and following for future updates and such. Thank you again

Thank you very much for playing, the discord link is in description, i hope it works!


You are very good at this game!

I'm going to check this out. Love the gameplay footage and I'm super into atmospheric shooters. I've just started stalker and this reminds me of it. Looks dope!


I think i'm just trying to take something from games that have been good, i am also a stalker fan btw.
And I hope you find the time to check it out!

just played through it. ill be keeping up with your project best of luck!

super awesome. 2 things though:
when you try to change to another weapon while aiming, you cant do anything other than move around. also wish that there be some form of bullet force so zombies don't just fall over like they just tripped (imagine a zombie flying off when being point-blanked by a shotgun lol.) other than this its awesome, even got spooked a tad when the zombies started to yell and run towards me.

Thank you and yes, weapon switching will be upgraded its just that it takes time :( and the bullet force, also yes, currently only shotgun can archive that, but i will make every weapon capable of that. Thank you!

This was an awesome game to play! Thank you for reaching out!

Very great gameplay! Loved it so much!

This beta was amazing, I can't wait to play the full game! 😎👍


You are amazing!

Really great game so far! There was a lot more content then I originally thought with having multiple levels and different enemy types as well as a bit of searching to progress. The bugs I noticed were pretty minor; The player would get stuck on top of objects (lamp, bed, door) and unable to jump off, items would despawn in the sewer level and the frag grenade..... don't pick it up. Game play with the character was great, satisfying kills with every head shot, numerous selection of guns to use. I was wondering if you would consider having the lighter equip to the left hand giving the right hand an option for a pistol or knife allowing the player to still walk through the pitch black staircases and hallways with a weapon still attached? Something that could help if this makes killing the enemies to easy is to increase the amount of health the basic enemies have with body and limb shots. 

The music was such a banger as well man it would be great to have something in the background or just some ambient noises as well to fill in the empty background. 

Good luck on the updates and I hope this game gets you somewhere! There is definitely a lot of time that has been put into this project!


You are truly amazing, i left your video a comment that answers your questions, feel free to answer!

Please Watch till the end and subscribe!

Watched till the end, loved it!

Very fun zombie shooter. I really like how the zombies can break the doors down while chasing you. Can't wait to see more of it!

Loved your gameplay! You are very good in FPS games!

I hate sneaky zombies. I got jumped so many times.


Thank you for your amazing gameplay!




i played the game and enjoyed every minute of it thx for suggesting the game good work looking forward to what you come up with next thx 

Thank you very much!


The game is fun and I enjoyed it for the most part. Though, tbh the game felt more fps like then horror. I would think about putting in some "downtime" in the game to show some jumpscares. But other then that, nice game.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


What i belive is that jumpscares are cheap, they dont really scare anyone anymore. If im going to make any kind of jumpscare its going to be brutal.

this game was amazing thank you karantiin for letting me play this game i hope you enjoy the video game was pretty scary has a few bugs but i know its a demo and i cant wait for the full game let me know if your interested ill play more of you games and this one when it comes out thank you 

You had a amazing gameplay thank you!

hey :) i saw your comment but for some reason youtube deleted it i think cuz it had a link in it ? no idea but it does that sometimes ... and i did play this game i think a week ago ! i enjoyed shooting those fools with the super op gun and the magnum ! :D i would like to make a vid of it once you add a small story so i would kill the krack heads for a cause :D

Yes, the story will come! Currently it is the first demo, so more will come!

ill keep my eye out then ! and in case i missed it give me a poke :) 


Hello, I played this game and I liked it, over all a fun experience just killing around everything you see, although since there are many controls maybe there should be some instructions during the game like tutorial telling you which button is which instead of just a note at the beginning and the pause menu, but aside that it was a neat game, good work :)


Will make it easier to understand the controls and thank you!

Really enjoyed this! I played for over an hour and can really tell how much hard work has went into this! Keep up the great work! I look forward to future updates for sure! 


More updates will come! You had the best gameplay!

I honestly enjoyed it! Very cool experience! Should I email you for any feedback?


Sure! Also you can add suggestions if you want.

32x bits?


Yes the pc version is x86 (32bit), but the VR version will be x64 only.
It will run fine for you.

Thank you!

Thank you!

A great FPS horror game loved it.

Thank you for playing!

This looks pretty sweet :D

Thank you!

Amazing game. Can't wait for more action. Congrats on your game.

Thank you, i watched your gameplay and made a few notes on how to make things better, you were the first to try this out. You did amazingly!

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